Aug 27

"The Longest Poem in the World" is composed by aggregating real-time public twitter updates and selecting those that rhyme.  It grows at a rate of about 4,000 verses each day.  This novel site was created by Andrei Gheorghe, a web developer from Bucharest, Romania.

Here is the most recent start of the poem when it had 370,866 verses:

If life were easy and not so fast, I wouldn’t think about the past
and all the sudden, life is changing and its changing so fast.
is watching Ren and Stimpy. It’s becoming a nightly habit.
I had a dream that I had a sidekick and a rabbit.
Pride pride pride and now more harry potter!
and its only going to get hotter…
and learning again…
and then….
Tired and going to bed.  Good night everyone.
cup of tea and a caramel slice anyone?
and you know this working on a new song
Second day of school and still going strong
College just gets worse and worse.
Gift and the curse!
super bored and tired. cant sleep tho
And away we go…
oh no, are the bad word police after me and my potty mouth again?
Just done something a bit mad and creative. Lets see what happens then!
The Internet; where courtesy and reason go to die.
Yup im at school and i passed up a fine ass guy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK, it isn’t Shakespeare, but it is a pretty cool idea.  This may also go down in history as the greatest collaborative work ever.

Article published on August 27, 2009

One Response to “World’s Longest Poem: Written by Humans, Compiled by Software”

  1. Ashley Says:

    Wow I checked it out. It was cool and more efforts needed for getting rhyming tweets and organising them. Hats off for the team behind.

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