Sep 17

Many people steal software because they are too stupid to know that it’s wrong, or too dumb to get a job so they can pay for what they are stealing.

Though many pirates will tell you how smart they are because they’re getting stuff for free while the rest of us have to pay.  It does sound smart, I guess, if you can get beyond that whole moral “stealing is bad” thing and the threat of bad karma.

But the stupidest pirate of all is the one that asks the software maker to help them steal their own software.  Dushyant was dim enough to join the CodeSmith forums on the CodeSmith website and ask, “can any one post me the serial key to trick the CodeSmith Professional”.

The CodeSmith moderator answered straight at first: “You will need to contact sales for a key (

But the stupid pirate asked again.  So the CodeSmith people decided to play with this dolt and responded:  “enter this as the key: CS50P-0NLY4-1D10T-W0ULD-TRYT0-45KU5-TH15Q” which loosely translates as “only an idiot would try to ask us this question.”

You think Dushyant would finally realize he’s been served, but staying true to form, he responded, “The key you provided does not work to as serial key to crack the version.

Read the thread at

Article published on September 17, 2009

15 Responses to “Stupid Pirate Asks Software Maker for Crack Code”

  1. Stupid Pirate Asks Software Maker for Crack Code [ DevTopics ] Says:

    […] Stupid Pirate Asks Software Maker for Crack Code Found 23 hours, 24 minutes ago From: […]

  2. lkvb6 Says:

    Everybody is angry when others are stealing hist ideas. I now that this case was a exampe of stupidity, but the text “Many people steal software because they are too stupid to know that it’s wrong, or too dumb to get a job so they can pay for what they are stealing.

    Though many pirates will tell you how smart they are because they’re getting stuff for free while the rest of us have to pay. It does sound smart, I guess, if you can get beyond that whole moral “stealing is bad” thing and the threat of bad karma.”

    …..What about stealing. If you are from africa or China or what i now… somewher where you have troubles to give your childrens something to eat and when then need something to their PC (if they have any, maybe they will install it in the school if they have it) to learn or play. Many of people in America and Europe can pay fot he software so be serious… ! Is necessary to get money from poor people? And what about karma of US soldiers killing people around the world, dominating in the world by pirating the economy of other countries??? Get for one or two years to work to Palestina or Africa and you will see what is poor people and then ask why they are so… Who was there and make colonies from theyr countries, who is sending money to the countries now and is devastating theyr economy???

  3. Elias Aarnio Says:

    Piracy is a real problem. There is a way to tackle it. Use Free/Libre or Open Source software, FLOSS. For usual purposes there are FLOSS software. Personally I have to do only 2 things with propritary software: music notation and syncing my Polar heart rate monitor with the PC as Polar is stubborn enough not to support Linux nor give the needed specs to the developers.

  4. Robin Hoode Says:

    lkvb6, the argument that “I’m too poor to pay, so therefore I should be allowed to steal” is simply not valid.

    Although I am not poor, I am not rich either, so I could use your justification to walk into a Porche dealer and drive away with a new Carerra. When the cops stopped me, I could just say, “I can’t afford to buy this” and then the cops will say, “Oh, no problem, it’s yours for free.”


  5. Elias Aarnio Says:

    Actually this subject can be turned the other way around, too. We could also say that using proprietary software is immoral. Why? Proprietary software also uses proprietary file formats thus forcing other users to buy and use the same software.

    Given the fact that there are and will be also poor people who cannot afford buying the software forcing them to use proprietary sw is immoral.

    This is gravely neglected by BSA as their message is oversimplified saying “downloading and using sw from Internet without paying is illegal” is simply wrong. It is ok to use FLOSS software gratis, proprietary software vendors just do not like people to know it.

  6. Elias Aarnio Says:

    Umm… you do have the written a written permission for using the picture from the movie “Pirates of the Caribbean”, don’t you?

    It would be a bit strange if you would judge piracy as you do (and should, too) but at the same time use illegally a picture someone else owns…

  7. Robin Hoode Says:

    Re: We could also say that using proprietary software is immoral. Why? Proprietary software also uses proprietary file formats thus forcing other users to buy and use the same software.

    Now I’ve heard everything! So you’re saying that there should be no proprietary or private property, and everything should belong to everyone? Hey, what is your wife doing tonight? I think I’ll take her for a free ride, since it’s immoral for you to have proprietary rights to her coochie. Stupid communists!

  8. timm Says:

    Elias, DevTopics follows the Fair Use clause in Section 107 of U.S. Copyright law. It’s the same clause that Google uses to post snippets of text for search results and thumbnails for image searches. I did not post the full Pirates of the Caribbean movie, but rather a small thumbnail image less than 240×240 pixels, which though not explicitly defined in the copyright code, appears to be the ad-hoc web standard.

  9. aasdgasdgadsg Says:

    thats not a pirate, pirate would at least try to put two keywords into google:
    CodeSmith Professional

    so first result here:

    and lol, i dont even know this software is

  10. Elias Aarnio Says:

    Quote: Now I’ve heard everything! So you’re saying that there should be no proprietary or private property, and everything should belong to everyone? Hey, what is your wife doing tonight? I think I’ll take her for a free ride, since it’s immoral for you to have proprietary rights to her coochie. Stupid communists!

    You are mixing up things here.

    1. If you read carefully what I wrote, you notice that I said that the use of proprietary software can be seen to be immoral. It is a good way to illustrate the differences in the ways of thinking. I personally do think that for some countries and people using FLOSS is a better moral choice than using proprietary sw. Example: if the administration of a poor country can spend less money on ICT and invest the saved money to education or healthcare, it is morally better than spending more on ICT and less to healthcare and education.

    2. There are many immoral things that exist. Your or my attitude or opinion against them does not make them nonexistent. Nevertheless one might try to avoid these things one dislikes.

    3. Let us assume that there would be a law that would make for example mushrooms growing in the forests public property that everyone is allowed to pick. From this norm (law) you cannot deduce any other norm (law). You for example cannot say that because one is allowed to pick up as much mushrooms as he/she likes, he/she is also allowed to drain a whole lake from water just to keep own fields watered.

    I sincerely hope that you do not honestly think that wives are some sort of posessions. My wife makes her own mind – mutual trust is something totally different from ownership.

    4. Claiming that FLOSS is communism is something that comes across every now and then. In a communist society the tools and structures for production are owned by one body, state. In FLOSS the most important asset, the source code, may be used by any individual or company on equal basis. This means more competition and innovation. Are you calling this communism? As a matter of fact the present essence of certain big software companies is very much like the situation in the Soviet Union before the collapse. Too many empty words, too low efficiency and quality. IMHO this is closer to communism than hard competition.

    5. The fastest growing economies utilize FLOSS. Linux for example is found in consumer electronics like TV sets, mobile phones etc. more and more. It is quite understandable that this trend is not that nice seen from the old industrialized world. It just would be so nice to just sit on your fat butt and keep milking poorer nations like before. Even the people in the USA have to realize that actually the Chinese own so much of “American” companies that they actually have control of the economy of USA. I do not suppose that FLOSS literacy rate in USA is any better than literacy rate in general. Well – this is all about global social and global evolution, isn’t it?

  11. Elias Aarnio Says:


    Thanks for clarifying the fair use clause. I am not that familiar with US law as I live in Europe. This type of fair use is not allowed in EU.

  12. timm Says:

    Re: This type of fair use is not allowed in EU.

    That’s ironic considering most of the English-speaking content thieves we encounter are in Europe.

    I believe Fair Use is a great promotional tool when done properly. The more people that cite a short passage from my blog and link to me, the better.

  13. Robin Hoode Says:

    Open source software is good. But claiming that proprietary software is immoral because it costs money is stupid. You can watch free TV on CBS. So if you pay extra for cable, are you immoral? There’s always something better to spend your money on. None of that gives people an excuse to steal the work of others.

  14. Elias Aarnio Says:

    Robin Hoode: If you read what I wrote you notice that the key issue is not that the paying for software per se would be immoral. The important thing is that if a proprietary software becomes de facto standard and thus forces other users to use the same software to exchange information, we do have a moral problem if the other party is really poor.

    Your pay-tv does not affect other peoples watching tv. This comparison you made is really odd.

  15. SKIDROW Says:

    twice the fun double the trouble

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