Nov 08

React JS has firmly established itself as a go-to JavaScript library for developing dynamic and user-friendly interfaces. Renowned for its simplicity, flexibility, and commendable performance, React JS introduces developers to two pivotal concepts: state and props. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the intricacies of these concepts, unraveling their significance in React JS development.

Understanding State in React JS

What is State?

In the realm of React JS, state is a fundamental object that empowers components to store and manage their internal data. Serving as a repository for a component’s current state, it is initialized in the constructor method and can be dynamically updated using the ‘setState()’ method. Crucially, any alteration in a component’s state triggers an automatic re-rendering, ensuring that the UI accurately reflects the modified state.

How Does State Work?

State operates as a mechanism enabling components to independently manage their data. When a component’s state undergoes a transformation, React responds by triggering a re-render, facilitating the creation of dynamic and interactive user interfaces. This intrinsic feature simplifies the development of applications with real-time responsiveness.

How to Use State in Your Code

To harness the power of state in your React components, the initialization process begins in the constructor method:

class MyComponent extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      count: 0

  handleClick() {
      count: this.state.count + 1

  render() {
    return (
        <p>You clicked {this.state.count} times</p>
        <button onClick={() => this.handleClick()}>
          Click me

In this example, the state of the component is initialized with a single property, ‘count’. The ‘handleClick’ method, invoked when the button is clicked, utilizes ‘setState()’ to increment the ‘count’ property. This dynamic approach to managing state facilitates the creation of responsive interfaces.

Examples of State in Action

  • Toggle a Button: Leverage state to toggle the button’s state between “on” and “off” upon a click event.
  • Display a Counter: Utilize state to keep track of the number of button clicks and dynamically display the count to the user.
  • Show or Hide Content: Leverage state to conditionally render content based on user interaction, providing a seamless and interactive user experience.

Understanding Props in React JS

What are Props?

Props, short for properties, are read-only values that facilitate the transfer of data across React components. Comparable to function arguments in JavaScript or attributes in HTML, props play a crucial role in creating dynamic and data-driven React applications.

How Do You Pass Data with Props?

Passing data with props involves utilizing a syntax akin to HTML attributes. For instance, an object and a number can be passed as props to a child component:

<ChildComponent person={{ name: 'John Doe', age: 30 }} count={10} />

In this example, an object with properties (‘name’ and ‘age’) and a number (‘count’) is passed as props to the ‘ChildComponent’.

Examples of Props in Action

  • Displaying Data: Use props to display data in React components, such as passing an object with user information to a ‘UserProfile’ component to display the user’s name, age, and profile picture.
  • Passing Functions: Pass functions as props to enable child components to communicate with their parent components. For instance, passing a function that updates the state of a parent component to a child component, calling it when a button is clicked.
  • Conditional Rendering: Leverage props for conditional rendering in React components. For example, pass a boolean value as props to a ‘ShowHide’ component and render different content based on whether the value is true or false.

Differences Between State and Props

Despite being fundamental to React JS, state and props exhibit key differences:

  • Ownership: State is owned and managed within the component itself, while props are owned by the parent component and passed down to child components.
  • Mutability: State is mutable and can be changed using the ‘setState()’ method, while props are immutable and cannot be modified by the child component.
  • Access: State is local to the component and can only be accessed and modified within that component. In contrast, props can be accessed by the child component but cannot be modified.
  • Usage: State is utilized to manage data local to the component, whereas props are employed to pass data between components.

State and Props in Harmony

In the symphony of React JS development, state and props harmonize to orchestrate seamless and interactive user experiences. State empowers components to manage their internal data dynamically, enabling responsiveness to user interactions. On the other hand, props facilitate the flow of data across components, fostering consistency and enabling the creation of modular and reusable code.

Best Practices for State and Props Management

Keep State Local: Whenever possible, keep state local to the component that truly needs it. Avoid unnecessary global state management for simpler components.

Props for Communication: Leverage props for communication between parent and child components. This promotes a unidirectional data flow and simplifies the understanding of data sources.

Immutability Matters: When updating state using ‘setState()’, ensure immutability. Create a new object or array with the updated values instead of modifying the existing state directly.

   // Incorrect

   // Correct
     items: [...this.state.items, newItem]

Use Functional setState: When the new state depends on the current state, use the functional form of ‘setState’ to avoid race conditions.

   // Without functional setState
     count: this.state.count + 1

   // With functional setState
   this.setState((prevState) => ({
     count: prevState.count + 1

Destructure Props: When accessing multiple props in a component, consider destructuring them for cleaner and more readable code.

  // Without destructuring
   const Article = (props) => {
     return <h2>{props.title}</h2>;

   // With destructuring
   const Article = ({ title }) => {
     return <h2>{title}</h2>;  


In the grand tapestry of React JS development, state and props emerge as fundamental threads that weave together dynamic, responsive, and modular applications. State empowers components to manage their internal data dynamically, fostering interactive user experiences. In contrast, props facilitate seamless communication between components, enhancing reusability and maintainability.

By adhering to best practices, embracing the innate characteristics of state and props, and exploring their diverse applications, developers can navigate the React JS landscape with confidence. As the React ecosystem evolves, the mastery of state and props remains a cornerstone in the pursuit of creating exceptional and user-centric applications.

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Nov 14

The front-end development ecosystem is constantly changing. Every day, new tools are being released, and with so many libraries and frameworks to choose from, it is getting harder for business owners to select the best one. Now, we have noticed that Angular is the common choice among business owners who want to take their business online when it comes to front-end development.

But React.Js, another well-liked front-end development framework has been setting records in the web development industry.

What is React.Js?

In essence, React.Js is a JavaScript library created and supported by Facebook. React is an effective, declarative, and flexible open-source JavaScript library for developing straightforward, quick, and scalable front ends of web applications. It has dominated the front-end development field ever since its launch.

React is the most popular web framework, according to the most recent Stack Overflow survey, while Angular came in ninth.

You must be wondering why React.Js is a good choice. Because of the rise in JavaScript’s popularity in recent years, there are now many alternatives on the market, including Angular and Vue.js. Thus, why React?

Over 220,000 websites are active today that use React. Not only that, but React.Js is already being used in software creations by industry behemoths like Apple, Netflix, Paypal, and many others. Since so many businesses, including some of the most well-known brands in the world, use React.Js, React must surely have some amazing advantages, right?

Of course, it does.

Let’s look at the top benefits of using React.Js.


React is incredibly adaptable. Once you have mastered it, you can create high-quality user interfaces on a wide range of platforms. React is NOT a framework; it is a library. React’s library-based approach has enabled it to develop into such an amazing tool.

React was developed specifically to build web application components. Any element in your web application, such as a Grid, Text, Label, or Button, can be a React component.

But as React’s popularity has increased, so has its ecosystem, which now supports a wide range of use cases. Using tools like Gatsby, you can generate a static website with React. You can create mobile apps using React Native. Using a program like Electron, which uses React.Js technology and is compatible with both Mac and Windows, you can even create desktop applications.

Great Developer Experience

When they begin writing code in React, your team will fall in love with it. A fantastic developer experience is produced by React’s small API and rapid development.

The React API is very easy to understand. There are a few concepts to learn. Simply import the React library to get started. The component that receives props (input) and outputs JSX is called a message.

The React API calls are converted using JSX, a unique syntax that resembles HTML, which then renders HTML.

HTML is powered by established frameworks like Angular and Vue. Inside HTML, JavaScript is used. To give it more capabilities, they have developed HTML attributes.

The main issue with this strategy is that you either have to become familiar with the new HTML attributes or constantly consult the official documentation.

Broader Community Support

React’s popularity has steadily increased since 2015. It has a sizable, vibrant community, and its GitHub repository has received more than 164k Stars. It is one of GitHub’s top 5 repositories. React’s NPM package has millions of weekly downloads as well. On Stack share, over 9K businesses declared that they use React. Even Fortune 500 companies are visible.

A community created specifically for React developers is called Reactiflux. There are over 110k community members working to share and solve React-related issues.

StackOverflow is one of the most well-liked websites among programmers. Over 250k questions have been asked about React and related libraries.

Great Performance

The JavaScript team realized that updating the DOM makes JavaScript slow. React reduces DOM modifications. And it has discovered the most effective and clever way to update the DOM.

Prior to React, the majority of frameworks and libraries would haphazardly update the DOM to reflect a changed state. As a result, a sizable portion of the page underwent changes.

React uses the Virtual DOM to keep track of the state values for each component. React compares the current DOM state with the ideal state for the new DOM when a component’s state changes. The process then determines the most affordable method for updating the DOM.

Most frameworks and libraries would haphazardly update the DOM to reflect a changed state before React. The result was that a sizable portion of the page changed.

React tracks the state values for each component using the Virtual DOM. When a component’s state changes, React compares the old DOM state with the desired state for the new DOM. The most cost-effective way to update the DOM is then decided.

Easy to Test

The testing interface for React is very user-friendly.

  • Setting up traditional UI browser testing is difficult. On the other hand, testing in React requires little to no configuration.
  • Traditional UI browsers need browsers for testing, but the node command-line makes it simple and quick to test React components.
  • Standard UI browser testing is cumbersome. However, command-line testing is quick and allows you to run a large number of test suites simultaneously.
  • Traditional UI browser testing can take a lot of time and is difficult to maintain. Utilizing software like Jest & Enzyme, React tests can be written quickly.

Since React.Js is also a JavaScript library, there are many different JavaScript testing frameworks online that you can use to test it. Mocha, Jasmine, Tape, QUnit, and AVA are a few examples of well-liked testing frameworks.

Wrapping Up

For building interactive applications for mobile, web, and other platforms, React is a fantastic tool.

There is a good reason why React is becoming more and more popular and used. Developers who use React become more proficient in JavaScript, which accounts for almost 90% of all web development today.

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