May 13

Creating responsive web applications is one of the unsaid requirements nowadays. One can create responsive user interfaces in a variety of ways, from using simple CSS media queries to using multiple frameworks and modules like Angular Material. To give users a smooth experience across various devices and screen sizes in the modern digital era, responsive web applications have become increasingly crucial. A strong toolset is provided by Angular Material, a UI component package for Angular, which allows programmers to build aesthetically pleasing and responsive online applications. This thorough manual intends to provide you with a firm basis to begin your adventure while introducing you to the world of creating responsive web apps using Angular Material.

Angular Material & Its Advantages

The Angular team created Angular Material, a full set of UI components that adheres to Material Design principles. It provides a huge selection of interchangeable and adaptable UI elements, including buttons, inputs, dialog boxes, and navigational elements. Developers can save time and effort by utilizing pre-built components that follow a unified and aesthetically pleasant design language by implementing Angular Material. Let’s see some advantages of Angular Material:

  • An intuitive and visually appealing user experience that adheres to Google’s design guidelines is offered by Angular Material, which adopts the Material Design tenets.
  • Because the components of Angular Material adhere to a single design language, you can guarantee a consistent appearance and feel throughout your application.
  • Angular Material places a strong emphasis on accessibility, making sure that people with disabilities can use and navigate your web application.
  • The responsiveness of Angular Material makes it simpler to develop applications that adapt naturally to various screen sizes and devices.
  • Although Angular Material has default styles, it also offers a wide range of customization options, allowing developers to modify components to meet the specific branding and design requirements of their applications.

Implementing Angular Material

You have to set up Angular Material in your Angular project before you can use it. To get started, take these actions:

  • Install Angular Material by typing the command “npm install @angular/material” in the Node Package Manager (npm).
  • Import angular material and set it up: In the main module file (‘app.module.ts‘) of your Angular project, import the required modules from Angular Material. Add any necessary Angular CDK (Component Dev Kit) modules as well.
  • Include the Angular Material theme: The styling of Angular Material is done using predefined themes. By importing the relevant theme CSS file or by defining a custom theme, you can incorporate the appropriate theme into your project.
  • Utilize Angular Material Components Right Away: By providing the right selectors and making use of their attributes and methods, you may begin using Angular Material’s components in your application once it has been configured.

Responsive Navigation

For delivering seamless user experiences across various devices, responsive navigation is essential. The toolbar, side nav, and menu are just a few of the components that are available in Angular Material and may build flexible navigation menus. To create a responsive navigation using Angular Material one can follow the steps from below:

  • Integrate Necessary Modules: Once Angular Material has been installed, import the relevant modules into your project, such as MatToolbarModule, MatSidenavModule, and MatMenuModule.
  • Configure the Toolbar: To add a responsive toolbar to the top of your application, use the MatToolbarModule. Include the branding and navigation options for your application, and customize it to meet your design specifications.
  • Create a side navigation menu: Build a flexible side navigation menu using the MatSidenavModule. To display additional menu items or supplementary navigation options, use this component. Set it up so that it will open and close in response to user input.
  • Make use of menus: The MatMenuModule of Angular Material enables you to design drop-down menus for navigational objects. Specific toolbar or side navigation menu items can have dropdown functionality added to them, creating a hierarchical navigation structure.
  • Use Responsive Techniques: You can modify the navigation components to fit various screen sizes using Angular Material’s responsive CSS classes and utilities. These classes can be used to display or hide items, stack them vertically, or alter their look depending on particular breakpoints.

Theming and Customization

To customize the look of your web app, Angular Material offers a wide range of theme and customization choices. Let’s examine a few salient attributes:

  • Theming: Your application can easily use pre-built themes that Angular Material offers. To complement your logo, you can design custom themes or select from a number of color palettes.
  • Typography: Angular Material has a typographic system that makes sure that the text styles used across your project are consistent and aesthetically beautiful. Fonts, font sizes, and other typographic components can all be changed.
  • Component Styling: Each Angular Material element comes with its own set of customizable styles. To meet your design needs, you can adjust colors, sizes, and other visual elements.
  • Angular’s robust styling system allows you to construct new components and apply the desired styling if the built-in Angular Material components are insufficient for your needs.

Responsive Layouts with Angular

A variety of features and tools are offered by Angular Material to make the creation of responsive layouts simple. Here are some crucial ideas and methods to bear in mind:

  • Flex Layout: Angular Material incorporates Angular Flex-Layout, a potent library that permits responsive and adaptable layouts. It uses CSS Flexbox internally, which makes it simpler to create adaptive designs.
  • Grid System: The responsive grid system provided by Angular Material enables you to design responsive layouts with various column arrangements in accordance with screen widths.
  • Media Queries: Angular Material comes with predefined media queries that you may use to adjust component behavior based on screen breakpoints or conditionally apply styles.
  • Responsive Components: A lot of Angular Material components automatically adapt their appearance and behavior to the size of the screen. Menus, buttons, and navigational components are a few examples.


Angular Material gives developers a strong toolkit for creating responsive web applications. It is a great option for developing cutting-edge and aesthetically pleasing web apps that work flawlessly across various platforms. Thanks to its wide library of UI components, responsive layouts, and theming features. You’ll be well-equipped to create responsive web applications using Angular Material if you adhere to the rules and make use of the features covered in this short guide.

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Jul 28

After the popularity of its predecessor, Angular 13, Angular 14 is now available. The following notable Google release is the web application framework built on Type-script. With the introduction of stand-alone components, Angular 14 promises to speed up the creation of Angular apps by eliminating the requirement for Angular modules. Improved template diagnosis, stand-alone components, and additional capabilities for typed forms are all brought about by the move from Angular 13 to Angular 14.

The most meticulously thought out pre-planned upgrade by Angular is thought to be version 14. CLI auto-completion, typed reactive forms, standalone components, directives and pipes, and improved template diagnostics are some of the new features in the Angular 14 version.

The Angular team’s deliberate elimination of the requirement for Ng modules, which lowers the amount of boilerplate code needed to launch the application, is the update’s standout feature. Let’s compare Angular13 with the latest Angular14 release before going over the features of Angular14.

In contrast to Angular14

The Angular and Typescript developers found the framework challenging compared to others like React after Angular 13 was released. Additionally, the new Route.title function in the Angular router made adding titles easier in version 13. When adding a title to your page in Angular 14, this is not necessary to be added for any new imports.

Independent Components

Although the Angular 14 modules are optional, the objective is to depart from the current configuration by constructing pipes, directives, and components.

Angular has released RFC to make Ng modules optional on standalone components (Request for Comments). While the Angular 14 update will not make these modules outdated, it will make them temporary in order to maintain compatibility with the current Angular libraries and apps.

It is important to note that before to Angular 14, each component had to be related to a module. If a parent module’s declarations array is not linked with each component, the application will crash.

Completely Typed Forms

Executing strict typing for the Angular reactive forms package is totally fixed by the latest Angular version release. The precisely typed forms will improve a contemporary-driven strategy for Angular to work invisibly with the current forms.

The ease with which users can switch from earlier versions to version 14 is one of the most encouraging features of Angular 14. To retain the current applications while upgrading, the Angular team has included auto migration. Additionally, FormControl, which invokes a specific value it carries and accepts generic type input, is now available for use.

To guarantee that the changes are handled precisely and smoothly, the complexity of the API is often monitored. Additionally, the most recent Angular 14 version won’t interfere with template-based forms.

CLI Auto-Completion for Angular

The Angular CLI auto-biggest completion’s feature is that it helps you become more productive by providing the necessary commands to create modules, directives, and components for your new or current project. The Angular 14 includes several useful commands for you, though.

You don’t have to bother about searching the internet for commands. Here is how to use Angular 14 to accomplish it.

The newest CLI features are delivered by Angular 14, enabling real-time auto-completion in the terminal. You should initially run the ng completion command. The ng command must now be entered, followed by the Tab key to investigate all available options. Enter to select a choice from the list.

Additionally, the ng create command options list offers extra auto-completion options if you are using the most recent version of Angular 14, which is available.

Enhancements to Template Diagnostics

Improved template diagnostics are included in the latest Angular 14 upgrade to protect developers from generic errors through compiler reconciliation to typescript code.

The compiler does not produce any warnings in Angular 13 or earlier versions, and it stops executing if a problem prevents it from doing so.

Some of the potential red flags may stem from more fundamental problems, such as the usage of undesired operators when a variable is not nullable or the syntax for two-way binding. A new private compiler that displays alerts or information diagnostics for user templates also limits the scope of the diagnostic tests.

Accessibility of the Page Title Streamlined

When developing an application, your page title typically clearly displays the contents of your page. The entire process of adding titles was previously coordinated with the new Route.title parameter in the Angular router in version 13. But Angular 14 doesn’t offer the extra imports needed when adding a title to your page.

Internal Improvements

The fact that the Angular14 update allows the CLI to publish little code without lowering its value is one of the version’s most intriguing features. You may connect to protected component members directly from your templates thanks to the built-in improvements. Overall, leveraging the public API surface gives you more control over the reusable parts.

Wrapping Up

That concludes our discussion of the key elements of Angular14’s new features. I’m hoping that this may be useful to you as you work on your current or next Angular14 project.

With Angular14, creating apps is now simple and rapid. Thanks to the stand-alone components, using ng modules is not required. The Angular developer community aims to support web developers in getting improved versions of the Typescript-based framework while also enabling them to keep up with the demands of other online ecosystems and users.

We advise switching to Angular14 if you are familiar with the most recent Angular improvements and features.

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